Truth # 5


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After feeding my studies through the main frame computer , only 5 answers came out on top of hundereds that were fed into it ! What you will see here over the next five pages may change your life , your thoughts , and your reasons why you were never heard !
Don't be alarmed while these answers are not the only ones considered , they were selected by the main frame computer to be the top 5 answers , remember ' Life must still go on ! '
If you are a little bit afraid of knowing the truth , then perhaps you should not view this material !
However let every man know that time and unforseen surcomstances befall us all ! That means we are not responsable for whatever happens to you while your viewing this material ! This material could be hazordious to your life !
                              However ! 
If you still feel you can handle the answer to this question please read on !

' The Secret's Reveiled '
Truth # 5
While spending the last few days analizing this answer from the computer, I have come to realize why it chose this as being the 5th top answer to this question of why certain activations don't hear you .
If you ever owned a home of your own you will know the answer to the question will be a correct one.
Even if you never owned your own home you will see that if you closely observed that things un-noticed are actually happening under your ' Feet '.
I was sitting in the radio shack one fine day earlier this spring , and as I was sitting there in my chair , movement from around the room was taking place .
Unknown to me this activity was like a Beaver who franticly chews on trees to knock them down for his dam.
Yet unlike a Beaver this movement was small , at first I thought it must be mosquitoes who often invade the room when the door is suddenly opened long enough to let them in.
But this movement wasn't from mosquitoes as I would have notice them as they would have been busing around my head.
My eyes shifted around off the radio and as I peered around the room to my amazement there they were !
I wondered how in the world did they get in here ! And why were they invading me ! Many thoughts ran through my mind.
I seen it before earlier in the spring but why here ? One by One they came each one determined they were going to disrupt me !
Here it is , the world now knows this can only mean one thing !
Believe me I know it's true it's happened to me and it can happen to you also !
Read the rest of the story throughout this page !
Here we go here's the #5 answer to the question of why we are sometimes never heard !



Read the rest of the story below!




I Tell You The Truth !
All spring all over my lawn were these crazy ants ! They had dug up most of my back yard as well as invading my new apple trees I had just planted . They were everywhere this year !
When they were in the radio room I noticed they were climbing up my coax , that's how they were entering the room.
They even were crawling all over my boat that was parked in the laneway . There were small ones , big ones , black ones , red ones , flying ones , every shape and size !
I now know they were even eating the signals from DX ! That's why I couldn't get into some of those activations ! The Ants were stealing my signals..... eating away at my DB's !!!
I'am sure of it and I know probably that's why you may have not got into some of those activations as well !
Check it out to see if it's true .... really I tell you the computer doesn't lie !!!
Click Below For Truth # 4
